What's Up With the Wheelers?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Warm Fuzzies

That's what we call the snuggly, cuddly love feeling you feel for your kids or your significant other that makes you just want to squeeze them until they cry for mercy. We are a very cuddly, affectionate family, which could have posed a problem when we started our Foster/Adopt journey. There are new weird boundaries because you don't know how affectionate the child is or what is OK with them so you kind of have to wait for them to approach you or just offer and see if they accept. You don't want to leave them out of the cuddlefest, but you don't stop lovin' on your own biological children so there's the hmmm factor. Luckily with Jonathan, we only had a few unrequited offers of cuddles or kisses before he wanted them too or before it was just accepted and expected. However, there's still a rub. It would be wonderful if you take in a child and automatically get the warm fuzzies, but that's not really how it works. We hug and kiss Jon and cuddle and tickle and wrestle, but he's not so irresistibly precious to us as Noah and Haley are. Jon is a super likable kid, very sweet, funny, silly and helpful, but that's doesn't give you the nibbly kind of love. You just kinda do it anyway. Well... News Report: About a week or two ago, I felt the warm fuzzies with Jonathan. I found myself hugging him longer than usual and just wanting to squeeze him and hold him for a while. That may seem like no big deal, but it is a very big deal. I was very excited and relieved to know that those feelings can, will and are developing. That is the wonderful, bright and shiny update on the foster/adopt situation. I think I like adjectives today or something. Just a quick count on the stats. We've had Jon for 4 months and in about 2 months we'll upgrade to an adoptive placement. Once that happens, we have 6 months before we go to court and it's consummated and official. He'll be OURS!