What's Up With the Wheelers?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Might cry!

Tears of joy or tears of frustration, I am not sure. I am fed up trying to figure out all this stuff. I really think I will just start a new blog. I've figured out how to get back into this one, but it's linked to my old yahoo account and I can't set it with my google account bc things are really messed up. I'll let you know what the new blog is and hopefully it'll be smooth sailing after that. I can't believe I'm starting over.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wow! Finally!

I just signed in for the first time in a long time. I changed to gmail from yahoo and after a while, once I thought I had switched everything else over, I tried to log in and had forgotten my password and stuff. Not so much of a big deal if you can just have it emailed to you, but oops! I didn't have the blog switched over before I shut down good ol' cwhee@yahoo.com. So it told me to reset it I had to try again in 24 hours and I can't tell you how many times I forgot to do it again in 24 hours. But today I went to the website and I was logged in. So I should really make the most of it while I'm here in the case that it's just a fluke, but I don't have time to upload any pictures or blog. So I'm only explaining my absence and lack of mommy attention to the wheeler family blog. We'll see if I can find the time tomorrow and if I can get back on. Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Warm Fuzzies

That's what we call the snuggly, cuddly love feeling you feel for your kids or your significant other that makes you just want to squeeze them until they cry for mercy. We are a very cuddly, affectionate family, which could have posed a problem when we started our Foster/Adopt journey. There are new weird boundaries because you don't know how affectionate the child is or what is OK with them so you kind of have to wait for them to approach you or just offer and see if they accept. You don't want to leave them out of the cuddlefest, but you don't stop lovin' on your own biological children so there's the hmmm factor. Luckily with Jonathan, we only had a few unrequited offers of cuddles or kisses before he wanted them too or before it was just accepted and expected. However, there's still a rub. It would be wonderful if you take in a child and automatically get the warm fuzzies, but that's not really how it works. We hug and kiss Jon and cuddle and tickle and wrestle, but he's not so irresistibly precious to us as Noah and Haley are. Jon is a super likable kid, very sweet, funny, silly and helpful, but that's doesn't give you the nibbly kind of love. You just kinda do it anyway. Well... News Report: About a week or two ago, I felt the warm fuzzies with Jonathan. I found myself hugging him longer than usual and just wanting to squeeze him and hold him for a while. That may seem like no big deal, but it is a very big deal. I was very excited and relieved to know that those feelings can, will and are developing. That is the wonderful, bright and shiny update on the foster/adopt situation. I think I like adjectives today or something. Just a quick count on the stats. We've had Jon for 4 months and in about 2 months we'll upgrade to an adoptive placement. Once that happens, we have 6 months before we go to court and it's consummated and official. He'll be OURS!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bikes! YAY!

Hooray for daddy for being a good sport and taking the boys out on the bikes they got for Christmas! It was way too cold for mommy. The boys still need to grow into their bikes a bit, but they loved getting to go for a ride. The initial idea was for dad to ride his new bike too, but the boys required too much assistance (they are going uphill) to allow for that. So dad's bike sat resting with mom's...it's the way it should be.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Haley's such a big girl...

She is now officially in a big girl bed. Christmas night was her first night sleeping in her BGB because she got awesome girly bedding for Christmas. It went very well. She didn't fuss more than maybe 5 minutes and we only had to put her back in bed once that first night and not again since. We love getting to go in and cover her up and give her kisses while she's asleep. It's like her BGB has a sleepy power over her because we've never been able to set foot in her room after she's asleep without her rousing to see what's going on. We were keeping her naps in the crib for the time being, but that's finished because she's found her trapeze instincts and can now escape her crib without a tear and like nothing happened. "What? You guys want to play?" That's what her face says as we answer her knock on her bedroom door.

Christmas...and all that that implies

Our Christmas was more of a whirlwind this year than ever before and it had nothing to do with the weather. CFAN had some very pressing business so Brent worked from December 14th through January 7th with only 4 days off and one of those was only because he'd worked until 4am that morning and wouldn't have been able to pull through another day without some good rest. 2 of those days were mostly spent in the car alone. Needless to say, he is exhausted...and SO AM I. We missed him terribly and are so excited he has the day off tomorrow and a real weekend ahead. Friday Dec. 18th, the very day I left for Houston by myself, our case manager was able to have the new family for Zak approved for respite care so that I didn't collapse under the stress of 4 kids. Zak's new family is so very sweet and excited to have him. Jonathan is adjusting very well. We play "High/Low. Ready? Go!" just about every night at dinner asking the kids what things made them happy and sad throughout the day and Jonathan rarely has anything that has made him sad and often he still says that he's happy to be with us. The kids had a great time at Grandma and Peepaw's house riding a new toy that Grandma got. I even rode it a bit and it was entertaining. We had a nice time opening gifts with Grandma, Peepaw, Sean, Aunt Mo, and cousin Shelby and then headed to the other side of both Houston and the family tree. We stopped to see Grandpa and Suzanne and the boys got to see the ferrets. It was a short visit, but it was a good one. When our plans fell through to see Sherry (Brent's step-mom), we asked the Carbones if they had a little time for us and of course they did. Our time at their house was one of the warmest moments of our holiday and gave us the feeling of Christmas that we'd been wanting so badly. The next morning we made the trek to my Nannie and PawPaw's house in Anderson (around Bryan/College Station). All the cousins were there and this is the first year that I felt like I didn't really get to chat very much with anyone there and just kinda buzzed around maintaining children and hanging out. Well, that was Christmas eve so we left there and headed for our very own casa to celebrate Christmas morning for the very first time at home. If you know me and the constant state of my house you would not have believed the chaos of plastic, laundry, and miscellaneous items that were WALL-to-WALL in our garage and our bedroom. We finished our elfish duties around 2 and found a place on the bed to sleep. The next morning was WONDERFUL! The kids actually slept in. We got up and showered at like 6:30 (yeah, I know, we're weird) and laid in bed waiting...and waiting...and slept...and heard the boys playing in their room around 8. They were content playing with the toys they'd already gotten and had forgotten about the toyland that awaited them. The boys sat together and laughed opening their gifts side-by-side and Haley...well she didn't want to open any. She wanted to stay on her 4-wheeler that Grandpa had bought her and let us put together Christmas eve. To be honest the chaos has slowed down, but not disappeared and nearly had me panicked. But today, my knight in shining armor came home early and will again be by my side to reign in the children and finish our to-do's. It is delightful to get to share my to-do list with him again and I hope this weekend can be restful and refreshing. I have to give props to any single parent out there and all the parents out there with 3 or 4 or more children. We are working to get in a groove, but wow, it is tough and tiring and it's been with one hand tied behind our back (bc dad's been m.i.a. a lot of the time). So I just really thank God for my husband and the companionship he offers and the strength and order he brings to our home. May I please be such a reward to him.