What's Up With the Wheelers?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My, my, how time changes things

Even just a day. A day after writing my first post on my first blog, the previous possible adoption placement was decidedly no good for us. But at the very same time, we received a call back about a previous placement we were all set to accept. About a week ago we had agreed to accept 2 boys. One of the boys was 12 years old and one was 3 weeks old. It didn't work out because they wanted a home in Travis county. They called us back because the 12 year old was happy in his foster home but his foster parents would not be able to take the baby. The courts don't normally agree to splitting up siblings, but in this case he talked to the 12 y.o. one-on-one and the boy was very enthusiastic about where he was and because of the large age gap, the judge agreed to allow him to stay at his present home with his baby brother placed elsewhere.

So last night and today we have visited with baby Zak at the hospital and he will be coming home with us most likely on Monday. He is incredibly sweet and a very messy eater (he might have a hidden hole in his lip, but we haven't been able to find it-but we did buy a lot of bibs). Noah's ok with baby Zachary coming home as long as Noah doesn't have to go to the hospital. Haley will just be excited about a baby. He sleeps so much because of his medicine/treatments, but the nurses did say they've never heard of a baby receiving his treatments past two months so we're being optimistic that Zachary will also be done in another month.

We don't know if this placement will be short-term or long-term, strictly foster or possibly open for adoption eventually, but we'll be glad to have Zak with us while we can.

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