What's Up With the Wheelers?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Let's all play the quiet-sit-still-and-don't-tear-up-anything game

Poor Zak is not happy with us about his new, considerably smaller dose of medicine. I think his sweet little body is feeling a little betrayed...making us feel a bit angry that he has to be experiencing this at all. It is a cold and rainy day and I love it, except for the fact that we are stuck indoors. Zak is pretty fussy today, understandably, and Haley is blowing through the house causing wreckage all over the place. Seriously, don't underestimate the girl and her damage potential. She can make a surprisingly big mess in practically no time. First after I changed Zak, I walked back into the living room to find her on the floor with the wedding photo album. Yes, she did. A page torn out, negatives laying around and a couple pictures bent up. I clean up this mess and relocate the wedding photo album. I return to mothering to find Haley sitting on top of Noah's train table with the tracks strewn about and holding them over her head like Godzilla (not to mention the pile of waterproof mattress pads she's dug out of a drawer and decorated the floor with, maybe I don't need so many...). I removed Haley to reassemble train town and refold and tuck away my bounty of mattress pads. I walk from Noah's room to find her sitting outside the closet door of the room Zak's sleeping in and she has his shoes, socks and hats sprinkled all over the floor and a pair of his pants on one of her legs. I'm thinking someone needs some serious quality time. Well that's not what I thought at the time. At the time, I thought hmmm...no...they don't make handcuffs that small...

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